Thursday, September 4, 2014

First Day #Confident

Due to lack of good WiFi , thanks for nothing AT&T, this post and most likely other future post will be done on my phone so please excuse the bluntness and any auto corrected mispellings.
I'd hate to say this but today felt almost the same as any other school day, except for the fact that there was no work or homework assigned. Now as for internal feel, it was by far amazing. I was confident yet nervous, felt older than everyone but yet still somehow young in reference to a full life span. Being a senior was so more different with way some teachers looked and treated you, I loved it. Every kid has strived to be treated older and try to act more mature but I have finally arrived at the point where I no longer have to try because I am more mature and I am treated older. But as they said Spiderman "WITH GREAT POWER, COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY." This means that I am more accountable for my actions, this means no more excuses on my work and no more laughing at the words like penis and vagina. Adult hood right around the corner and today was the first step out of 180 till I get there. That's why I blog to document each step and to reflect and inspire others. Tomorrow is where the first day of work will probably begin. Fingers Crossed that it will start Monday.

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