Thursday, September 4, 2014

First Day #Confident

Due to lack of good WiFi , thanks for nothing AT&T, this post and most likely other future post will be done on my phone so please excuse the bluntness and any auto corrected mispellings.
I'd hate to say this but today felt almost the same as any other school day, except for the fact that there was no work or homework assigned. Now as for internal feel, it was by far amazing. I was confident yet nervous, felt older than everyone but yet still somehow young in reference to a full life span. Being a senior was so more different with way some teachers looked and treated you, I loved it. Every kid has strived to be treated older and try to act more mature but I have finally arrived at the point where I no longer have to try because I am more mature and I am treated older. But as they said Spiderman "WITH GREAT POWER, COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY." This means that I am more accountable for my actions, this means no more excuses on my work and no more laughing at the words like penis and vagina. Adult hood right around the corner and today was the first step out of 180 till I get there. That's why I blog to document each step and to reflect and inspire others. Tomorrow is where the first day of work will probably begin. Fingers Crossed that it will start Monday.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Night Before

To be blatantly honest, I'm nervous. My final year of high school and the first day is tomorrow. I wish I could be a little more enthusiastic but I can't. All the friends I haven't seen since last year. How do I know they haven't hit some crazy growth spurt of puberty and look like full fledged adults while I look like the same person I was freshman year despite the extra facial hair. I guess that's just me over thinking things.
   Some things that help me relax are hot tea, a warm bath and organizing everything so I'm ready to go tomorrow. There really is no need to worry. It's the same as every other year, except you get the benefit of it being your last year of dealing with high school BS. Now that could be a curse if you don't have a clue on what your doing after high school, but hey, chin-up because you have all year to figure out your next step.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The First Step To The Big Year

    Well today was my official registration day for my senior year of high school. Now I would like to say this day was real exciting but overall it was just like any other registration. Seeing some of my fellow classmates for the first time in two months was pleasant though. In my head I pictured the reunion being a lot more passionate, but in the end I felt that even if I didn't show up nobody would care. I guess that's just going to be another thing to go on the list of "Things to do before I leave high school". If I'm not memorable than is the life I'm living even considered a life. Ever since I was young I was memorable mainly for behavior and grades and athletic ability. But now I'm in no sports, I'm less shy, and more sociably acceptable but I have become average and I guess that is what this blog journey is really about, for me to transform from an averavge person to a man with purpose.

     On that melodramatic note i wish to say to the people who are reading this , you don't have to be the shining light in the dark. I'm not saying you have to be average or that being average is bad, as long as you matter to yourself and you feel your life matters to you then it shouldn't matter what others think of you. My just soul purpose is not just to be seen but to be remembered because I matter.

Now back to the school aspect of today, my schedule is pretty loaded considering the fact I originally wanted an easy schedule full of electives. But as you can see in the picture below my day consist of health, Pre-calculus, English, AP Psychology, Government and Art. (Not so easy)
    Health is going to be a pain. I meen who wants to start of their day in a class full freshman, I know I don't. If I got to start my day off it needs to be with my friends. The remaining portion of my frustration with my schedule is because I didn't want to take a math class in the first place but some how I let my counselor, once again, talk me into a class I didn't want. English and Governmet are just "blah" and AP Psych is the only thing I'm actually excited about considering its what I want to major in. I sure hope this class doesn't pose as too big of a challenge or completely bore me out of my mind. Anyways the rest of this summer is just going to be a giant countdown to September 4th, the first day of Senior Year. And to those who start school in August, I laugh at you. Lol 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Welcome to All

This is simply just a welcome post for all those who have stumbled upon my blog. I am looking forward to an extraordinary Senior Year. I  plan on making this year better than anything ever heard of and different that is why i decided to blog about it, to let you (the readers) in on it. I will be going through the typical high school life and drama people learned to love by watching  movies but my goal will be to amplify the intensity of every moment and hopefully bring out a lesson or something positive out of each day.

This will be a daily blog considering the fact that I am on the west coast i will try to wake up early morning to post so that way people on the east coast can read it in the morning by 8. I encourage commenting on my post with any questions of yours and i will do my best to answer. Remind you I am only your average teenager just seeking to do above average things this final year.